Adaptive Success Stories

RPDX has tools and adaptive components to help you get out on the road again.  What do our customers bring? Incredible grace and determination to ride again.   It’s an unbeatable combination!

Patti’s Catrike Trail

After a car wreck and subsequent infection, Patti lost much of her right hand.  RPDX mechanics customized a Bosch-motor-equipped Catrike Trail with all controls on the left side -including hydraulic brakes controlled by a single pull lever mounted on the left steering arm

Randy’s Catrike Villager

Randy’s determination and humor are in full force as he recounts losing a leg to cancer.  He and his son Matt describe the freedom that triking has brought back to his life

His ride includes a 

  • Stand-up Assist Arms (for entry/exit)
  • Pedal-Assist Electric Motor
  • Heel Support Pedals
  • Cane Holder

Geoff’s Catrike Villager

Tough-as-nails with a handshake that will crush you, Geoff suffered a 2013 stroke as a result of a rare bacterial infection. 

His ride includes 

  • Stand-up Assist Arms (for entry/exit)
  • Pedal-Assist Electric Motor
  • Heel Support Pedals 

Ed’s Catrike Villager

Cycling provides the perfect respite from Parkinson’s.  You’ll see Ed out on the Willamette waterfront here in Portland.  Wave and say “hi!”

His ride includes

  • Stand-up Assist Arms (for entry/exit)
  • Pedal-Assist Electric Motor
  • Heel Support Pedals 

Monisha’s Catrike Pocket

After losing her left leg to cancer and a long stretch in a wheelchair, Monisha was determined to get back on her feet!  A modified Catrike Pocket provided the exercise needed to strengthen her right leg for an upcoming prosthesis fitting

Her ride includes

  • Stand-up Assist Arms (for entry/exit)
  • Modified front crank   

Rhonda’s Catrike Trail

In 2009, Rhonda was diagnosed with Primary Lateral Sclerosis.  She’s no longer able to run marathons.  But, as her husband Curt puts it, “she puts the pedal down!” The two of them regularly do 60 mile rides through Oregon’s scenic byways

Her ride Includes Heel Support Pedals

Dennis’ Catrike Expedition

Dennis fractured his neck in swimming pool accident.  Years of experience as a ER-based Physician’s Assistant kicked and Dennis immediately stabilized himself.  The Catrike Expedition was crucial to his recover -or, as Dennis put it, “A tadpole saved my life!”.  

His ride is stock.  RPDX added a motor only so he could do longer tours

Articulating Tandem for Sight Impaired

RPDX mechanics coupled two delta trikes to enable our sight-impaired customer to ride as stoker on this articulating tandem.  Articulation enables the combined trikes to safely take corners as reasonable speeds.  A motor kit can easily be added to the front (“Captain’s”) trike 

Triking and Ataxia

Ric is a lifelong Jock!  In addition to coaching basketball, he refereed high school and college games. Deteriorating balance due to Ataxia hasn’t slowed him one bit -he rides his Catrike 3 days a week. Plus weekends with his grandkids.  This summer, he’ll complete the Hiawatha Trail

Triking after Injury

Ron experienced serious injury and chemical exposure serving his country.  Over 20 surgeries hasn’t dampened his appetite for adventure: for his 70th birthday, he climbed Mt. Hood for the 30th time!  

Now, he’s hooked on Catrike

Ron’s ride is a stock Catrike Villager with heel support pedals


Triking with Parkinson’s

Melissa and her visiting-from-Oklahoma mom talk about triking.  Long hikes and bike rides -Melissa’s pre-Parkinson’s Zen- have been replaced by time on her trike.  No longer driving, Melissa does all her transportation on her trike.  

Her ride is an Eon Green Catrike Villager with assist arms, seat side bag, heel support pedals, rear rack and pedal-assist motor



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